Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cold... Cold and Colder...Hmmm

Well not colder than a couple weeks ago but certainly windier... Now that my early retirement has abruptly ended and I have to go back to work (but for Wells Fargo now) It's been a little hectic trying to get a new laptop hooked up to the Wells network etc.  BUT at least I don't have to leave the house, at least for the time being...  Wachovia paid me for 60 days of "active work" at which time my job was to return calls if someone called and no one ever did.  Then I started "salary continuation" which is where they pay you your salary and benefits to "look" for a job.  Well I didn't have to look too far... It was like having a 3 and a half month vacation... Now I have to get up in the morning and get moving... I've been sleeping in until 7, sometimes 8 so it's back to 5AM, well I'll work my way into it...  The white (susans) truck is fixed, now BOTH need tired, one thing at a time. At least  the horses are enjoying the cold... FYI horses are especially designed for cold weather...

also see for Susans view...

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