Another horse tale...
The first time I saw Chicks Betty Crocker was at the 1998 National Reining Horse Association Futurity. She was a three year old being shown in the Worlds largest reining competition.
I had never been to a real big show, this particular show paid $100,000.00 for first place in the open division... Robert Hartford, Linda Hartford, Susan and I all flew down to Oklahoma City just to watch the show. Both Susan and I were REAL novices at riding, and even novices at "watching" the show.
I was sitting next to Robert who was slinking down in the chair because I was yelling "SEND 'EM" a reining thing for go really fast and slam on the brakes...
In anycase we saw hundreds of beautiful horses doing "reining" patterns.
Reining is like dressage at full speed, or maybe like figure skating on horseback. Spins, stops, lead changes, rollbacks, a lot of "cowboy" stuff... All of this is done with no visible queuing to the horse. It's kinda funny they call it reining when the use of the reins is minimal. Most of the control is done by the riders legs and "seat". Robert (the professional) has ridden both Kat and Betty (and others) with his arms crossed, doing all the elemants of a reining pattern without even touching the reins...
So I'm having a great time watching, Robert is still trying to slink away and they announce next out is "Chicks Betty Crocker" ridden by Bryan Pace, owned by Jim Babcock... OK first words out of my mouth were - "what a stupid name for a horse". Oh but look at that cool brand, looks almost like a "chevy" logo.
Babcock Ranch It's the red symbol between Babcock and Ranch at this link.
Anyway Bryant and "Betty" scored well enough to qualify for the finals. over four hundred horses, the top twenty-five(25) are finalists. The then compete for the grandprize, $100,000.00 (that's actually increased by quite a bit since then).
Fast-Forward One Year... (or so).
We (mostly me) decide that it's time to buy a reining horse so Susan can learn to ride on a "broke" reiner...
We head to Dallas so we can drive to
Bob Loomis Ranch to look at the great reining mare "Miss Gee Wiz", by TopSail Wiz, a Horse Bob Loomis had won a previous reining futurity on...The day comes, we call Loomis to remind him we're coming, Whoever it was I talked with said come on up, but Bob had been bucked off a two year old and wasn't getting around too good, he might be laid-up.
We get to the Loomis Ranch on the Texas and Oklahoma border, Bob never did make it out he was stuck in bed, barely moving. His assistant informed us that someone had just bought Miss Gee Wiz while we were on our way... Dang. He didn't really have anything that would work so we visited a few other ranches in the heart of Quarter Horse Country. I'll skip the details for now, but we just couldn't find anything. OH wait we have three(3) hours before the plane leaves lets look in the "Quarter Horse News". We find Babcock Ranch not to far from where we are. So it's off to see Jim Babcock, he thinks he might have a horse that is what we're looking for.
We get to his ranch, the barn must have 60 stalls, sure was a lot anyway. So Jim invites us in to his office and we talk a little. He has another couple from Colorado there looking at a stud...
I tell him we're looking for a broke reiner Susan can learn to ride and rein... He tells one of the stable hands to "go get Betty"... I knew IMMEDIATELY who he was going to bring out. Yup, Chicks Betty Crocker and boy was she beutiful...
Robert and Susan both took Betty for a spin, I stayed off. Bryant Pace, Bettys trainer was out of commision from a jetski incident the day before.
It was a lot of money and Susan looked a little reluctant so we said OK we'll think about it and give you a call. We RUSHED to the airport, went through security, go on the plane at the last minute. We were still talking about Betty, sitting on the plane just before the door closed I said "I'm calling him back and buying her". Neither one (Robert or Susan) objected. I made the call and told him We'd take her... I told him I'd send a check when I got home... Done Deal...
Betty came to live with us. She was Susans reining horse. Boy is she cool, fun to ride and athletic.
Susan was still learning and Betty is a pretty HOT mare. We are out riding one day shortly after Betty arrived, Susans just a little leary and Betty can sense her discomfort. Robert and I INSISTED that she have one more go around the arena. BAD CHOICE, worse that Susan really wasn't in to it, and Robert and I "INSISTED". Boy, BAD, BAD CHOICE...
Susy coaxed Betty to start around the arena, Betty did something that alarmed Susy and she tightened up on the reains, which Betty really didn't care for and probably wasn't use to.
Betty unloaded Susan, smack right to the ground... OUCH. (this wasn't anywhere NEAR the worst encounter Susan has had with our equine friends)... But it kinda soured Susie to Betty, she adopted KAT... Robert and I mostly road Betty.
Susie wasn't the only one Betty dumped. She had been up to
Colorado State University (CSU) for at least a month, for breeding and embryo transfer. While she was gone I had a brand new saddle I thought I should try. So her first day home Robert calls and says "bring a horse and help me round up the cattle". Hmm oh boy. Put Betty in the trailer, put the new saddle in the trailer and off I went. Unloaded Betty, saddled her up all is going good. Step up into the stirrup, everything seems OK. Throw my leg over and have a seat. HMMM pretty nice. Betty EXPLOADED I'm trying to hang on for dear life, but when 1200 pounds of pure muscle decides you're getting off, well your getting off. I'm laying on the granite slab, Betty puts her head down, has a sniff, takes a close look with one eye, then the other "Gee what are you doing down there". This trip to the ground required knee surgery, OUCH!!
Betty is sired by Smart Chic Olena, who Jim Babcock owns. "Chic" has sired horses that have won over 9 million dollars as reiners and another 1 million dollars as
"reined cowhorse" .
Just the "breeding" fee for Smart Chic is $25,000.00. That's right 25 grand for a little tube of semenal fluid... Hmmm shoulda been a
cowboy horse.