Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eighteen Years ago TODAY!

18 Years Ago Today, June 12th, 1993

Eighteen(18( years ago today, just about this time of the day, friends and family were starting to gather at our nearly brand new house in Black Forest. The occasions was our wedding.  It wasn't big, we had at the most a couple dozen people, BUT we were married outside our house in the forest on a sunny Saturday afternoon.

Susan & I had already been together for eight(8) years  when we decided marriage might be a reasonable option.  It has proven to be a good choice, especially for me since I'm fairly certain I'd have driven most anyone else off by now.

I proposed to Susan while we still lived in the old house in town. Becky and James were BOTH there for that too.

Note that Ed is not in ANY of these photos. He was honorably serving our country as a United State Marine.

Not a huge wedding but all of the family that could make it. (Hmmm time travel).

We were going to sell this house. I would have regretted that decision every time I saw these photos. This is really OUR place, we picked the lot, designed the house and chose the forest and "mother nature" for our life long commitment...

Guess we all know what happens to a "long haired hippy" when he gets old? dang had a lot of hair once...

 Happy Anniversary Sweety

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